Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Been playing WoW and also working on my book

I have been working steadily on my second draft of my book, I am trying to decide what title to use, originally it was The Books of Ravencroft since it is suppose to be a 3 book series.  But how I even got started on these books was when my granddaughter was little I would make stories up for her when she was not feeling well or when she was in the hospital.  So now I am thinking since they were for her I might call them Sierra's Stories.  The first one is The Books of Ravencroft: The Secret, and I have already begun notes and a possible title for the second one which would be The Books of Ravencroft: The Return.  But I like Sierra's Stories: The Secret and Sierra's Stories: The Return.  I was thinking also of putting a small piece from the book on my myspace for friends and family to read.  

Now mind you this is a set of books meant for children and teens so they will be no rated XXX in this book, no nude scenes or naughty talk.  That can be my fourth book. LOL

I have been playing Myschief lately I had rerolled her as another DK and she is level 63. In one day I took her from 55 to 63 busting my butt on her.  Tomorrow I will take come screen shots of her and post them here.  She is more fun as a DK then a rogue. LOL

Anyways for those that are friends and family here if you have any input about my books and titles please let me know.  The story is basically about a little girl who has a serious illness and wishes she could be normal and live in her favorite book.  It is full of magic and make believe and how her older sister uses magic to go in the book to rescue her because the longer she is in two places at once the weaker she becomes and her young soul is dying.  The older sister is named Saige and the younger one is Willow, I really like their names because it goes with the story real nice.  So anyways let me know if you have any input, put a comment and I would love to hear what you have to say.


  1. Your books sound like kids would like them. I have a 10 year old niece who loves the Harry Potter books and I bet she would be interested in reading your stories.

  2. Thank you, I am hoping a lot of kids and adults will like it and enjoy reading it as much as I am enjoy writing it. But I am turning into a basket case,I just emailed what I have done on the 2nd draft all 11000
    words to my husband's email so it can be on his computer as well as mine. Yes I am crazy. he laughed also.
