Monday, March 30, 2009

about the ads

Just a quick note, I am honored to have Google place ads on my blog, what is even more honoring is that they are ads to do with lupus.  So please if you visit this site I would love if you would click on these sites and check them out.  I have had lupus for 11 years now and any site about lupus or disability is very important to me.  Stem cell research is even more important because I and many others are hoping to find a cure for lupus or a way to slow it down so it does not attack our major organs.  Lupus is not a people friendly disease, it is your own cells and tissues attacking your new cells and tissues and soon taking over attacking organs.  The organ that is being attack is my kidneys......I have already gone into total renal failure once and luckily got to the hospital fast enough.  But the damage is done now so everything in my life has to be kidney friendly.  So please use this ads and learn more about lupus and about stem cell research.

Licks and nibbles, Dawn

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dealing with real life, not a WOW moment

Yesterday my daughter called and gave me one of those phone calls a grandparent does not look forward too.  It seems on April 10th my daughter and her little Sierra are heading to Cooke's Children  Hospital once again.  Sierra will be admitting into the hospital on the 10th and on the 13th she will once again go through brain surgery, grids will be places and test ran, on the 17th of April they will go back in remove the grid and remove another piece of her brain that they call ground beef that they once again feel her seizures are starting.  This will be very hard on me, since once again my health is not allowing me to travel and be with them.  It kills me knowing that once again Shae is having to deal with this alone in a place several hours from family and friends.  I called my Doctor today and asked could I go and he said it was not safe for me to be around a children's hospital with no immune system and that on the 7th of April I will undergo 5 hours of my low dose chemo and than again 2 weeks from that date for another 4 hours.  During this time I am hoping all my family and friends are praying that once again Sierra will bounce through these surgeries.  I will try to keep everyone updated on this and how Sierra is doing.  The adorable little red head is Sierra taken a few months ago.

licks and nibbles, Dawn

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crappy day again

I am so ready for this rituxan to start again but now my doctor's partner is sticking his nose in and I have to have blood work and test done before starting it since no blood work has been done in 3 months.  So now I have to get an appointment for the blood work and wait on the results before I can even sit up the appointment for the infusion.  I want to scream, I am so sick of being locked in this damn house and not being allowed out.  Anyways I have vented now I am going to head to bed before Lou wakes up and realize I have been up all night and have him tattle on me to Dr Niemer.  He loves to tattle.

This picture is a new one Lou took today of my little Butterscotch and her little Gorilla Banana

licks and nibbles, Dawn

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Been feeling a little under the weather

The shot this pass friday did a total number on me.  I have spent the entire weekend in bed trying to not feel so bad.  I actually slept from saturday night to this morning with getting up long enough to take my meds and potty.  Been up now a few hours but feeling a little tired so going to follow my doctors orders and head back to bed and rest.  Hope to catch you all a little later...

Licks and nibbles Dawn

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Got to Love Methotrexate

My weekly shot of Metho took a toll on me the last couple of days, so I was lagging in posting.  Sad thing is tomorrow I get another one.  But this is a must take in order to get my rituxan infusion.  Which is finally approved and I am starting it again.  I feel like I have been waiting forever to get this started again.  I am also a little scared because the last time I got sick directly after the second infusion and it took a toll on my kidneys again.  I know the goal is for me to not get sick and this time the infusion be a cake walk.  So I am hoping all this not around people and stay healthy program I am on works and we have the two infusions and go from there.  If it works this can easily put me in remission and I go to two infusion every six months, than hopefully two infusions once a year but it all stems on me not getting sick between now and infusion day.  Also to prepare myself for the infusion and the nasty side effects, not to mention the sitting for 8 hours for the infusion, but in the long run it is all very worth it to me.  So tomorrow I get my weekly shot and I rest between now and April 7th as much as possible.  For those that do not know rituxan is a low dose form of chemo, to go in and destroy the bad cells and tissues that are attacking what healthy ones my body is making and right now my kidneys are not making a whole lot of new red blood cells.  It is will go in and kill these cells giving my body a chance to make new ones and knock my autoimmune system into trying to work probably, yes it means killing off my immune system but it is the last resort for me, the other medicines for my lupus is no longer working and the lupus is taking its toll on my kidneys and tissues.  So silly as it seems killing off my immune system is the only way to beat this damn disease and give my kidneys a chance to heal a little.
So now I am sitting here waiting for the call back to give me the time for the 7th of April what time I have to be there in the morning and be hooked up to my little beeping machine for 8 hours than 2 weeks later I return and get another 6 to 8 hours of infusion than we wait on blood work and test to see if it is doing the job and decide where to go from there.
I am so trying to stay upbeat about the whole thing but I would be lying if I said I was not worried.................

Posting more later hopefully..........

licks and nibbles, Dawn

Monday, March 16, 2009

Finally in a Fun Guild

I finally put my little toons in a fun guild today.  I left the Golden Elms and all it's drama behind me.  I went to a friends guild who had also been in the elms and decided she did not like the drama there as well.  So I am now in a real cool guild, they actually play to have fun, no one cares about DPS, no one cares about gear, they all just like playing and having fun.   I am hoping a few of my friends and family will come with me but if they don't that is cool also because they can still run with us.

Well I am off to bed now been up all night playing, so bad I am.

Licks and nibbles, Dawn

Friday, March 13, 2009

Got A wonderful surprised today

I got a wonderful surprise today.  I got a email from a dear sweet friend I have not talked to in a long time.  My little Sierra loves her dearly even calls her Jewels because Julie is a very rare jewel.  When Sierra was going through all her brain surgeries when she was barely 2 years old Julie gave up everything to come be with her.  She knew money would be tough for us because we were taking time off to be with Sierra in the hospital so the Pizza Hut she worked for allowed her to get donations for us, I truly have no idea what I would not have done.  So I am so happy I got a email from her and natural I sent her one back catching up with her about what we have missed. 
So my wonderful Blog is doing what I had hoped it would do bring family and friends close again.
Julie thank you for being the wonderful Jewel you are.......

Licks and nibbles, Dawn

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I think I have the hang of it FINALLY

Ok after taking a crash course in Greek I am now able to work this blog.....  Welcome Lou and Rick and I hope others will follow.  My family and friends are slow at responding or even making comments.  They are hardly shy so no telling why they have not said hello or anything.  But still thank you for joining my little blog spot.

All I did today was play Wow, yes I have an exciting life.....  But we have been waiting for my rhuemy to call and set up my low dose chemo treatments but so far between the FDA and my insurance company and the company that makes the drug I need is once again at a tug of war with me being dragged back and forth in the puddle of mud.   

I am still on house arrest, no I did not break the law but right now I have no immune system and if I catch even a cold it would stop me from beginning my infusions, so I stay home and think of ways to set this house on fire..... Can we say CABIN FEVER......  Did I mention we have 3 dogs , they get out more than I do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Think of that one.

Well hopefully more of my family and friends will trip on in here and join in on the fun.

Take care, cya soon and stay safe

Licks and nibbles, Dawn

Ok I so feel Blonde tonight

I am still trying to figure this wild place out.....   Needless to say you need a degree in computers and website building and can read..... GREEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So this my friends is a test

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Getting to know me

I want to welcome those that come here and get to know me.  I am hoping all my friends and family will follow my journey and enjoy life like I do.  

I love playing World of Warcraft as does my husband, my kids and a great deal of my friends.
I play on Lightbringer server and my two favorite toons are Caress my Night Elf beastmaster hunter and Butterscotch my little yellow haired gnome frost mage.

I will have good days and bad days simply because I am dealing with having lupus.  But for my first blog I do not want to dwell on that side of me.  I much rather deal with my fun side of me.

Take care and come see me again.

Licks and nibbles, Dawn