Thursday, April 2, 2009

Doctor's visit

Well I got my blood work done and now we wait.  Anyone ever said waiting wasn't hell lied to you.  We have decided to have the low dose chemo whether my kidneys are acting up or not, at this time this experimental drug is kinda the end of the road unless some smart young doctor out there figures something out real quick.  There is a lot of mix feelings about this drug, it still is not completely approved by the FDA for lupus usage yet.  It is known as unlabeled for lupus, thank god for small bills that are passed.  The wonderful people of the United States government passed a bill saying insurance companies has to cover unlabeled drugs for lupus usage.  So now come April 7th I get to be hooked for 5 hours this drug and hopefully this time it works.  And in the mean time I was put on yet another drug, seems I am not getting enough rest or sleep, with no immune system I am required more rest and sleep then the rest of the world so my wonderful doctor put me on a new drug to help me do this.  Now if we can find a way to lower my stress level maybe there would be less flare ups.  One could only hope.
Ok enough with the boo who of my lupus and everything, one has to stay positive.  
Please keep clicking on the wonderful ads they change around every few days.  Lupus is a big part of my life and a part I would like my friends and family to understand.  Please know lupus is Not my life, my family and friends are =)  here is a picture of my Sierra's adorable little brother Kaleb , my grand children are a very large part of my life.

Licks and nibbles and on with WOW,  Dawn

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